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Measure 06 – Development and business holdings

• Sub-measure 6.1 Support for young farmers
• Sub-measure 6.2 Support for the establishment of non-agricultural activities in rural areas
• Sub-measure 6.3. Support for the development of small farms
• Sub-measure 6.4. Investment in the creation and development of non-agricultural activities
• Sub-measure 6.5 Payments to farmers eligible under the scheme for small farmers permanently transferring to another farmer holding

Sub-measure 6.1. – “Support for young farmers”

  1. Description of the action
Within this sub-measure will support the establishment of young farmers first, as heads / managers of a single farm. Financial support will be granted based on a business plan for the development of the farm. This sub-measure aims and taking the whole farm from older farmers, increasing farm incomes run by young people, encouraging young families to stabilize.

2. beneficiaries
Within this sub-measure beneficiaries are:
– The young farmer installs as sole head of the farm;
– A legal entity in which a young farmer exercise effective long term regarding decisions on management, benefits and financial risks.
“Young farmer” – a person aged under 40 years at the time of application, which has the skills and appropriate professional qualifications and which is established for the first time in an agricultural holding as head of the holding concerned;

3. Eligible expenses
Support is granted to facilitate the establishment of the young farmer under the Business Plan. All expenditures and activities relevant to the smooth implementation of the approved business plan may be eligible, including the purchase of land and animals.

4. Eligibility
– The applicant must qualify for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
– The applicant owns a farm with between 12,000 and 50,000 economic SO (standard production value);
– The applicant shall submit a business plan that will implement as required by the Regulations on support for rural development by the EAFRD.
– The applicant has a permanent residence in one of the administrative-territorial units whose territory is holding;
– The applicant becomes active farmer within 18 months from the date of installation;
– The applicant shall demonstrate, ahead of the second installment payment, improving the economic performance of the farm, its production marketed by the minimum percentage of 20% of the first installment payment;
– If the aim livestock farm business plan will target investments mandatory / minimum facilities for manure management, according to environmental standards.
– Do not simultaneously hold another job outside the administrative territorial unit where the holding is located, or the surrounding areas;
– Has skills performing at least one of the following conditions:
– Secondary education / degree in agriculture / veterinary / agricultural economics
– Agricultural knowledge gained through participation in training programs
– Acquire adequate professional skills in a grace period not exceeding 36 months from the date of the individual decision granting

5. Amounts and support rates applicable

Public support grant to be granted for a period not exceeding five years.
The maximum amount of support is up to 50,000 Euro.
Support for young farmers is at least 15,000 Euro for a farm with a minimum of 12,000 euros (Standard Production value), and for larger, establishment support will increase in proportion to farm size, but may not exceed EUR 50,000 / holding.
Support for young farmers will be given as a premium in two installments, as follows:
-80% Of the maximum amount of support receiving funding decision;
-20% Of the maximum amount of support within three years of receiving financing decision.
Implement the business plan must begin no later than nine months after the decision to grant aid.
The granting of the second installment is conditional upon the correct implementation of the objectives of the Business Plan.
Failure to observe the business plan, the first installment shall be recovered in proportion to the objectives achieved.

6. Business Plan will include at least the following:

i. The presentation of the initial situation of the farm;
ii. Presentation etapelelor and objectives for the development of the farm;
iii. Presentation details of actions, including those related to environmental sustainability and efficient use of resources needed to develop the farm, such as farm investment, training or counseling

Sub-measure 6.2 Support for the establishment of non-agricultural activities in rural areas

1. Description of the action
Support will be granted as a lump sum for tangible and intangible investments for the creation of non-agricultural activities in rural areas based on a business plan.
It provides support for newly established units for non-agricultural activities in rural areas, for example:
– Investments for the production and marketing of non-agricultural;
– Investment craft activity;
– Investment services and agro-tourism;

2. Beneficiaries:
The financial support for this sub-measure is provided for:
– Farmers or members of agricultural households diversify their business by establishing a non-agricultural activities for the first time;
– Micro-enterprises and small start-ups

3. Amounts and support rates applicable:
Public support grant and shall be for a period of five years.
The minimum amount of support is 10,000 Euro.
The maximum amount of support is:
– 70,000 Euro / project for productive activities, medical services, veterinary services agritourism accommodation, leisure travel and catering;
– 50,000 Euro / project for other activities.
Support for the creation of non-agricultural activities in rural areas will be given as a premium in two installments as follows:
-70% Of the maximum amount of support receiving funding decision;
-30% Of the maximum amount of support within three years of receiving financing decision.
The granting of the second tranche is subject to the implementation of the objectives set by the Business Plan. Failure to observe the business plan, the first installment shall be recovered in proportion to the objectives achieved.

Sub – measure 6.3 – “Support for the development of small farms”

Small farm: farm economic size between 8000-11999 Euro.

2. Beneficiaries:
The financial support for this measure shall be granted to farmers who own and / or use a farm classified as small farm.

3. Eligible expenses:
Support is granted for activities to fulfill the objectives of the Business Plan and detailing eligible costs will be in the national legal framework. All expenditures and activities relevant to the smooth implementation of the approved business plan may be eligible

4. Eligibility:
– The applicant owns a farm economic size between 8000-11999 euros (Standard output value);
– The holding is registered, as required by law, at least 24 months before seeking help;
– The applicant shall submit a business plan for the development of farming activities:
– The applicant should have permanent residence within the territory of the territorial administrative unit where the holding;
– The applicant shall demonstrate, ahead of the second installment payment, improving the economic performance of the farm, its production marketed by the minimum percentage of 20% of the first installment payment;
– The applicant actually work in agriculture and does not have another job outside the administrative territorial unit where the holding is located or surrounding areas
– The applicant has not previously received support through sub-measure;
– A farm may receive support than once in this sub.

5. Public support grant
Public support grant to be granted for a period not exceeding five years and is up to 15,000 Euro for a farm.
Support will be given as a premium in two installments as follows:
– 80% of the maximum amount of support receiving funding decision;
– 20% of the maximum amount of support within three years of receiving financing decision.
The granting of the second tranche is subject to the implementation of the objectives set by the Business Plan. Failure to observe the business plan, the first installment shall be recovered in proportion to the objectives achieved.

Sub-measure 6.4. Investment in the creation and development of non-agricultural activities

1. Description of the action
Support is given to investments in micro and small start-ups and existing non-agricultural activities in rural areas, for example:
– Investments for the production and marketing of non-agricultural;
– Investment craft activity;
– Investment services
– Investments in infrastructure and leisure activities and rural tourism
– Production of biomass fuel

2. Beneficiaries:
The financial support for this sub-measure is given:
– Micro-enterprises and small businesses existing in rural areas;
– Farmers or members of farming households diversify their core business through the creation or development of non-agricultural activities within existing enterprise.

3. Eligible expenses:
a) The construction, expansion and / or modernization of buildings and equipment;
b) Purchase of new equipment including leasing, plant and equipment, installation costs;
c) the following intangible investments: the purchase or development of software and the acquisition of patents, licenses, copyrights, trademarks;
Not eligible agricultural services.

4. Eligibility:
– The applicant must operate in rural areas;
– Activity and at least 80% of employees must have residence in rural areas;
– The applicant must provide co-investment;
– Jobs for new employees be provided with full time;
– The applicant shall demonstrate the economic viability of the investment;
– The company should not be in difficulty in accordance with law;
– The applicant shall comply with the de minimis rule;

5. Public support grant
Public support grant will not exceed 200,000 Euro / beneficiary in 3 fiscal years (de minimis). Refundable public aid intensity shall not exceed 90%.

Sub-measure 6.5 Payments to farmers eligible under the scheme for small farmers permanently transferring to another farmer holding

1. Sub-measure aims to support small farmers who participated in the scheme of small farmers in pillar 1 for at least one year and who commit to permanently transfer their entire holding to another farmer and the corresponding payment entitlements.
2. Support under sub-measure will be provided in the form of a single payment to farmers eligible annual scheme for small farmers who permanently transfer their holding them to another farm.
The beneficiaries undertake to permanently transfer their entire holding to another farmer.

3. Eligibility
– The applicant must qualify for eligible beneficiaries;
– The applicant should hold a holding of between 1 and 5 ha;
– The applicant is 60 years of age at the time of transfer;
– The applicant permanently transfer the entire holding to another farmer.

4. Aid intensity will be 120% of the support by SAPS.

                                      Examples of activities that can be undertaken under Measure 06turismenleasingendeseuen