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Priority 3 : Support for increasing energy efficiency in public buildings
Increasing energy efficiency in public buildings, especially those where high power consumption
Supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in public infrastructure, including public buildings and housing
This priority will support energy efficiency measures aimed at public buildings energy retrofitting deep (deep RENOVATION), including insulation, rehabilitation and upgrading heating systems and networks and installations, lighting and building energy management system (measures typical energy efficiency). Will be eligible for funding all kinds of public buildings owned and occupied by central and local authorities and institutions such as hospitals, educational buildings, administrative buildings, clinics, prisons etc., including storage spaces and storage annex that regime heating /cool down for operation.
– Improving the thermal insulation of the building envelope (exterior walls, windows, carpentry, floor upper floor above the basement), roofs and shells, including measures to strengthen the building;
– Rehabilitation and upgrading of facilities for the preparation and transport of heat, hot water and ventilation and air conditioning systems, including related equipment purchase and installation and connection to central heating systems, as appropriate;
– The use of renewable energy to provide the necessary heat for heating and hot water consumption;
– Energy management systems aimed at improving energy efficiency and energy consumption monitoring (ex. The purchase and installation of intelligent systems for promoting and managing electricity);
– Replacement of fluorescent and incandescent lighting luminaires with high energy efficiency and long life;
– Any other activities that lead to the achievement achieving project objectives (replacing elevators and electrical circuits
– Stairs, basement, dismantling works mounted installations and equipment, repairs to the facades etc.).
The beneficiaries of this investment priorities will be public authorities and institutions of central and local.